In class we dissected a frog. To do this we divided into groups and each group got a bull frog. We had been learning about frogs in class so now we would get to see what the insides of a frog actually looked like. To start we looked at the frog externally and located the eyes and and the mouth. After that we cut a line up the stomach and along the chest to examine the insides. We learned that frog's bodies were very similar to human bodies in many ways. We have many of the same organs and functions. We saw the frog's 3-lobed liver, its 3-chambered heart and its lungs. We also saw the oviducts and the fat bodies. Our frog was male so it did not have any eggs but we saw other groups pull out the the eggs of their female frogs. One thing that surprised me was the strength of the frog's jaw. It was very hard to pull open when we tried to examine the tongue. Over all we saw the similarities humans and grog's share and we got to see the various organs that we had learned about in class.